Congratulations on the release of ‘HEADCASE’! What can fans expect from this latest release?

A definite step up for us! A switch up in genre and a massive release! They can expect to also see our stuff probably on socials an irritating amount! 

What was the process when creating the latest track in regards to writing and production? 

Writing ‘HEADCASE’ was an interesting experience. Once I had the lyrics kind of there, they sat for ages in my phone and sometime later I had this shity demo I made on Logic, with this weird electronic - house type beat. 

That became the Verse, and from there I took it to the boys in the band and we took it through MANY changes. 

‘HEADCASE’ had a Bridge that changed our sound so much over the last 6 months, it’s super special. 

We drop tuned it, I got screamy, Sam and Caleb beefed it up with some mad guitar and drum work and now it’s this weird fusion that I think is super unique. 

Tim Wisbey (CLAY J GLADSTONE) had previously introduced us to our now manager Daniel Antix, out of DEFWOLF studios in Kurnell. They were both super encouraging and hyped about the song which was super validating! Tim co-produced and helped us to turn it into what it is, he’s a gun and we love him. Daniel worked his magic on the track production wise, and really elevated our sound - the workflow was awesome during the session we spent on it! 

What is everyone’s role in the band?

I (Rory) will sometimes come up with the melodies, lyrics and sometimes a draft idea of what I’m thinking for a track and then I’ll take into the boys. 

Caleb and Sam are both ridiculously talented musicians and they will usually make the song work as a song. Other times, it’s a collaborative process that kind of happens at once we’ll be in a room together and just chip away at it in one session, ideas all over the board and well come out with something. 

There are always different ideas that are being tossed about, Sam, Caleb and I are always writing all different bits of each song - I love the process creatively.

Besides music, are there any other creative endeavours you all do and can share with us?

I (Rory) make clothes and have a small clothing label; I also do graphic design work using photoshop etc. At some level you have to be a jack of all trades in this industry - so it helps to be creative across multiple outlets!

What musical influences have shaped your sound today?

A lot of modern metal-core - we’ve recently taken that on board while still trying to stand out from a SUPER busy genre. Influences are bands like, BMTH, void of vision, Alphawolf, Spiritbox, We Came As Romans, Ocean Sleeper etc.

Also, more experimental stuff like Loathe or SleepToken. We also take from EDM Artists that do dubstep or house type stuff, I think electronic music is mad (PhaseOne, Skrillex, Diplo). 

We also have loads of pop influences for hooks and general catchiness, I love hooks from the 2000’s - (Veronicas, Britney Spears, The Fray, Maroon 5) and I think a goal I have is to make sure we keep that hook factor to create ear worms. 

I also love rap and artists that incorporate that into their stuff, (EG Grandson, Fever 333) - using that too to get lyric flex points is pre-fun!

Do you have any upcoming plans to be performing your release live?  

We have a few shows making up an East Coast Tour in September/October and SO MANY plans for lives shows through this year and next! 

You’re going to be seeing a lot of us!
